On-line X-ray spectral analyzer ARP-2C

The ARP-2C analyzer allows you to determine the mass fractions of chemical elements from sulfur (S) to uranium (U) in technological products of ore processing, both in solid and pulp-like states in a stream in real time.

In the configuration of the ARP-2Ts analyzer, the radiation source is an X-ray tube, which is classified as a source of low-energy X-ray radiation (up to 150 kV).

The use of X-ray tubes as radiation sources provides the following advantages over radionuclides:

  • the possibility of designing more sensitive devices (higher radiation fluxes, adjustable beam energy);
  • significant simplification of the procedure for obtaining permits for the operation of devices;
  • ability to control radiation (the handset can be turned off).


Small overall dimensions and weight, dust and waterproof design allow you to install the device in the most optimal place, directly at the control point.

The analyzer can be operated in a temperature range from 0 °C to +40 °C. It has increased noise immunity due to digital signal transmission from the sensor to the power cabinet.

Main technical characteristics of the ARP-2Ts analyzer

Диапазон определяемых элементовот S до U
Диапазон измерений массовой доли элементовот 0,05 до 70,0%
Количество одновременно определяемых элементов10
Время одного измеренияот 15 до 900с
Габаритные размеры:
шкафа питания300x250x170мм
- датчика6
- шкафа питания6.5
Параметры электрического питания:
напряжение сетевого питания, В 220В+/- 10/15%
частота питающей сети, Гц50+/- 1

The simple mounting design, as well as the small overall dimensions and weight of the ARP-2Ts analyzer allow you to quickly install and move the device in search of the most optimal analysis location for the technological process of the enrichment plant.

Measurement error

Fulfilling the requirements for the placement of the analyzer, as well as compliance with the calibration methodology, allows us to obtain an error approximating the error of the enterprise laboratory.

Reducing the error is also possible by certifying the measurement technique on a specific technological product.


The ARP-2C sensor is designed to protect operating personnel from ionizing radiation from the X-ray tube.

Structurally, the ARP-2Ts sensor consists of:

  • housings;
  • excitation block;
  • spectrometric unit.

The excitation unit contains an X-ray tube.

The spectrometric unit includes an SDD detector, which converts the detected quanta of secondary X-ray radiation into electrical pulses of various amplitudes, and a pre-amplifier board (manufactured by Amptek Inc). The operating temperature of the detector is from -10 to + 50 °C.

Sensor ARP-2TS
Sensor ARP-2TS

Power cabinet

The power cabinet supplies the analyzer with mains voltage and also serves as a location for communication and interface devices. t.

Power cabinet

Control computer

Protected software (proprietary development of Tekhnoanalitpribor LLC) is installed on the control computer, which ensures the functioning of the analyzer as a whole, and also performs the function of accumulating, processing and storing information on measurement results coming from the ARP-2Ts sensor through the power supply cabinet(s). The software works only as part of the ARP-2Ts analyzer and only with an electronic key to prevent unauthorized access.

The control computer automatically records the results of measurements and calculations. The received information is transferred to the enterprise’s process control system via an Ethernet network for viewing or controlling the technological process in real time. It is possible to view analysis results for the selected date of measurements with information displayed on the display.

AnalyzerNet main window
AnalyzerNet main window
Analytics program dialog box
Analytics program dialog box
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