ARP-1C (ARP-2C): Automation/IT Department

The goal of any automated system integrated into a mining operation is to continuously monitor each step throughout the entire production process. As well as timely detection of any deviation from the specified parameters and characteristics.

One of the most important tasks of an automated control system for mining and processing enterprises is the continuous monitoring of all necessary parameters of the technological process, detection of unacceptable deviations of technological parameters and product characteristics.

In order to be able to quickly manage production processes, draw up a commodity balance, determine the effectiveness of individual stages of the enrichment process, and monitor the effectiveness of the reagent regime, testing of both ore and enrichment products is carried out.

If you take samples manually, this is an extremely labor-intensive process that takes a lot of time. Given continuous production, sample data may not be relevant as soon as it is ready. That is, the duration of verification in modern production is unacceptable.

Automation and management of all technological processes

There is a unique opportunity to create a control system for all technological processes based on special analyzers ARP-1Ts, ARP-2Ts. There is no need to wait for the results of their measurements. In real time, instruments are installed in all areas of the process, united by one network and provide high-precision parameters.

Thanks to the ability to combine analyzers into a common complex, it is possible to monitor and manage the entire technological process at the enterprise, observing the conditions for tailings and concentrates and determining the extraction of metals in them for a certain period of time.

The received data is transferred to the company’s process control system.

What are the advantages of using automated process control systems for enrichment processes interacting with the analyzer system:

  • Management of sorting of mined ore;
  • Dosing of flotation reagents, as well as components of ore mixtures (charge).

Our company’s specialists have developed appropriate software that can be perfectly integrated into the enterprise system. This software is constantly being improved and updated.

To receive data from the analyzer, the company’s automation department does not need to create specialized software.

To increase the level of reliability, data transmission from the analyzers occurs through different channels, using different interfaces.

Typically, data from analyzers can be transferred and stored in four ways:

  • Method 1 – data can be stored on a personal local computer;
  • Method 2 – data can be transferred and stored in the MySQL database included with the analyzer software, which, in turn, can be easily transferred to the enterprise MySQL database;
  • Method 3 – transferring the received data to an OPC server, which is almost universally used in almost any company;
  • Method 4 – Analyzer data can be stored in Excel file format.

The software is capable of sending a report to management’s email address. Sometimes this is absolutely necessary.

It is very convenient that the analyzer software does not require any complex training, as it is quite simple to configure. However, if the customer needs it, our specialists will provide high-quality training for the company’s personnel specialists. The training takes place in our office in Moscow and lasts one week.

Automation and management of all technological processes

Own technology

Our company has a unique opportunity to offer its customers ultra-precise equipment, which is represented by such devices as ARP-1Ts and ARP-2Ts. It is very convenient that both devices use the same software in their work. They differ from each other in their sources of X-ray radiation.

If the ARP-1Ts device uses radioisotope sources, then the ARP-2Ts uses an X-ray tube.

The use of this equipment makes it possible to create a high-quality control system for all existing processes at a mining and processing plant.

The quality and precision of the equipment has been developed and verified over many years. Even after creating ultra-precise equipment, we continue to improve it and improve it, constantly focusing on the accuracy of indicators.

The experience of our specialists is also accumulated due to the fact that we never cease to cooperate with customers who have already installed our devices in their production.

Life time

All the analyzers we have sold, which were installed at enterprises earlier, regularly work out their entire declared life of six years. However, there are exceptional cases when in some companies the service life of the analyzers was extended for another six years. This became possible due to the high degree of reliability built into the device at the design stage.

Our offer

The in-line analyzer ARP-1Ts/2Ts is ready to measure the mass fraction of chemical components from sulfur to uranium in all products of processing rocks and ores, minerals, solid, powdery, liquid materials, as well as pulp density in technical streams. This could be a conveyor belt, a slurry pipeline, etc. Moreover, the device does not even have to take a sample for this.

The main advantage of the analyzers is their versatility. ARP-1C is used both in a solid medium (charge, ore) and in a liquid medium (solution, pulp). This advantage makes it possible to use the analyzer at almost all stages of the production process.

Consequently, the entire mining and processing enterprise uses a single system of equipment, as well as uniform software and metrological support.

Our offer
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