How is pulp analysis performed?

Pulp is a mixture of solid particles in a liquid. It is a thin, heterogeneous system.

Based on particle size, it is possible to distinguish the following types of suspension:

  • Shlamov;
  • Colloidal solutions;
  • Rough suspensions;
  • Thin suspensions.

If the density of the pulp and the size of its suspended particles increase, then the solid elements begin to settle at a lower rate. At the same time, the viscosity of the mixture itself increases. The suspension has abrasive properties. Under the pressure of solid particles, the surface layer of the pipeline wears out. The abrasiveness of the pulp is affected by the concentration of solid elements. Quartz plays a key role.

In order to control ore beneficiation, it is important to monitor the pulp density and its composition.

If the goal is to increase productivity at plants operating in the mining industry (extraction and processing), then an excellent solution would be to implement automated process control systems. The procedure can be automated using appropriate analytical equipment. It is this that makes it possible to obtain almost continuous information about what elements a technological product consists of. The disadvantage of chemical analysis is that it cannot be used to quickly control the production process. In this regard, there is a need to use automated control systems that make express control of ore enrichment possible.

In order to control the composition of the pulp and its density, you need to use appropriate equipment. This is the ARP-1Ts/2Ts analyzer, developed by Tekhnoanalitpribor LLC. The device is an X-ray fluorescence analysis method and allows the procedure to be performed in a flow.

How is pulp analysis performed

One of the functions of the equipment is the registration of characteristic radiation calculated during the analysis of source materials in the slurry pipeline of flow-through tanks. The results obtained help improve production efficiency. The information obtained during use of the analyzer helps to improve analysis techniques and equipment performance.

Performing pulp analysis at the control point, i.e. without delivering samples, is beneficial in terms of the opportunities that open up at the enterprise during the management of the enrichment process:

  • The ability to install the device in new locations without any problems, in particular without pneumatic lines, the installation of which is associated with large financial expenditures.
  • There is no need to find additional premises — the analysis is carried out directly at the plant.
  • Ability to search for optimal control points and experiments.
  • Reliability achieved through independent operation of sensors.

If one of the sensors stops working, this does not affect the analysis at the remaining control points.

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