ARP-1C as an ore separator
The flow analyzer of ore and pulp ARP-1C manufactured by Technoanalitpribor LLC can be implemented as a command device of the control (from the technological point of view) mechanism responsible for the separation (sorting) of ore at all stages of enrichment. For this purpose, the method of X-ray radiometric separation (XRS) is used, necessarily on a conveyor.
Let's look at the main steps that make up this method:
- Delivery of mined ore is mandatory from the deposit to the processing plant.
- Screening of ore to the required size.
- Scanning crushed ore pieces in a flow to measure the concentration of elements of interest.
- Sending control signals to separation electronics responsible for sorting ore with a high content of elements of interest.
To supply control signals responsible for the operation of the sorting mechanism, the ARP-1C device is equipped with an ICP DAS I-7000 series input/output module, the programming of which can and should be carried out based on the requirements and specifics of production, as well as the enrichment process.
Thus, the implementation of a separator for ore enrichment based on the ARP-1C flow ore analyzer allows:
- To improve the quality of ore at all stages of enrichment.
- Manage the process online, independently determining the quality of the final product based on customer requirements or industrial production plan.
- Reduce some of the costs of transporting ore to processing plants by beneficiating ores near the deposit.
- Obtaining large-sized concentrates.
- To improve the technological level of specialists and enterprises in general.
- Reduce the environmental impact of enterprises.