Advantages of on-line analyzer
One of the main advantages of the ARP-1/2Ts analyzer is its versatility. All currently existing XRF analyzers analyze a substance in either a solid or liquid state.
The ARP-1/2Ts analyzer is used both for solids
(ore, charge), and for liquid (pulp, solutions) products.
This advantage allows the device to be used at all stages of enrichment:
- input control when submitting for crushing;
- in front of the hydrocyclone;
- when fed to flotation machines;
- analysis of the finished concentrate;
- tailing analysis.
Analysis of the product under study at the crushing stage is necessary for incoming ore control. At the flotation stage, it is necessary to analyze the pulp to control the amount of flotation substance. ARP-1/2Ts is also used to control the content of the mass fraction of chemical elements in the finished concentrate and waste tailings.
A standardized set of equipment for determining the content of useful substances in the products under study, in the technological process of enrichment, as well as a unified metrological and software allows:
- ensure convenient use when creating automated process control systems;
- reduce maintenance costs;
- simplify staff training;
- reduce the number and costs of spare parts;
- simplify the verification procedure.
Thanks to the use of ARP-1/2C at all stages of ore beneficiation, the enterprise is able to carry out not only operational control, but also draw up a commodity balance based on the method of measuring the concentrations of useful substances in the beneficiation product.
The ARP-1/2Ts analyzer, unlike its analogues, can be installed either directly into the flow in the workshop or work in conjunction with a sample delivery system, sequentially analyzing the selected samples.
The configuration with pulp analysis directly at the control point, without sample delivery, opens up new opportunities when managing the enrichment process at the enterprise:
- allow you to easily install the analyzer at new points — without laying expensive pneumatic lines for sample delivery and preparation;
- experiment, look for optimal control points;
- there is no need for additional premises, the device is installed directly in the workshop;
- ensures configuration reliability due to the independent operation of several sensors. If one of them fails, the analysis process continues at other control points. The cost of several sensors is equal to the price of a system with samplers and one sensor.
The ARP-1/2Ts analyzer can also be used to determine the solid content of the pulp (in mass fractions or percentage) or pulp density.
In addition to the above advantages, the ARP-1Ts/2Ts flow analyzer has the minimum overall dimensions and weight among equipment of this type:
Dimensions mm:
Weight, kg:
— sensor 5 (6*);
Power cabinet
Dimensions mm:
Weight, kg:
*- depending on modification
For comparison, the overall dimensions of similar equipment can reach 2 m and a weight of 2 — 4 tons.
The use of an in-line analyzer at an enrichment plant allows for comprehensive use of raw materials, as well as improving the quality of manufactured products.
In the context of increasing involvement in the development of ores with low mass fractions of useful components, this becomes especially relevant. The quality of mined and processed ores, as well as the metal content in them, is continuously decreasing, which entails an increase in the volume of processed minerals.
The device allows for on-line analysis, with sufficiently high accuracy, in a wide range of component contents, to conduct round-the-clock operational monitoring continuously or discretely, with the issuance of analytical information at the same pace as the flow of technological processes.
The use of the in-line digital X-ray fluorescence analyzer ARP-1/2C also allows you to:
- Significantly expand the capabilities of integrated processing of raw materials and environmental protection;
- Conduct technological processes in optimal modes, ensuring stable operation;
- To increase the efficiency of automation systems of processing plants, to achieve maximum extraction of useful components during the processing of ore raw materials.
Approximate economic effect from using on-line on-line analyzers (different types):
- Increased factory productivity (by 5–8%).
- Increase in metal extraction (by 0.5–5.0%).
- Reduced reagent consumption (by 10–15%).
- Reducing the cost of final products.
Modern production requires quick decisions, the adoption of which is based on current information about the qualitative and quantitative composition of raw materials and products. In-line metal analysis allows you to obtain real-time data and make operational decisions that help you achieve maximum quality of the final product at minimal cost. The process of implementation and operation of in-line analyzers is more labor-intensive compared to laboratory equipment, but in the long term, devices of this type are more profitable.